FREE DOWNLOAD: The Seeker’s Guide to Wealth (Twenties Edition)
Allow me to introduce The Seeker’s Guide to Wealth. I created The Seeker’s Guide (Twenties Edition) as a roadmap to integrated wealth for each decade of life. Integrated wealth is having the financial resources, the physical and mental health, and spiritual peace necessary to live a fulfilled life as defined by your unique value set. The Seeker’s Guide will help you build integrated wealth without losing your soul. And we’re giving it away for free.
A Few of My Favorite Books About Finances
These books are life changing if integrated wealth is what you’re after. And the good news is, the wisdom contained in them is free to anyone with a library card and a few hours of reading time.
Top Five Free Financial Tools
Improving your finances can feel overwhelming. But here’s some good news: you don’t need to spend a lot of money to get started at saving and growing your money. You can start for free. Here is a round up of a few of my favorite free resources that can help you build better financial habits and work toward greater financial freedom.
Alex E. Walker | Is Financial Independence a Myth? A Financial Expert Reveals the Truth
Is FI (Financial Independence) a myth? Let's discuss.
Repost from Rob Shaul: 8 Life Things, Worth Every Penny
I came across this blog article on my socials several years ago and the list has stuck with me. It’s hard to say whether the list stuck because some (or all) of the items hit a nerve with me or because the list is short enough and well-written enough to remember. Either way, I think you should read it. It’s one guy’s take on the most worthwhile things in life. And because (like you) I sometimes can’t be bothered to click links, I pasted the article in its entirety below. Enjoy.
MVMNT4LIFE Podcast: Living a Value-Based Life (Episode 19)
Dusty and Cecily were honored to be guests on the MVMNT4LIFE podcast. MVMNTFORLIFE discusses things that will allow you to stay moving throughout your life. The podcast hosts are JR Jaquay, a professional gymnastics coach with 31 years of experience and Level 2 CrossFit Trainer and co-host Kolby Krystofik, a certified Level 3 CrossFit Coach with a Sports Medicine degree from Pepperdine University and Owner of CrossFit affiliate Oxnard Movement. Each week JR and Kolby will discuss modes of movements as well as support systems from data, fun fun conversations and special guests who are experts in their fields.
FREE DOWNLOAD: The Magic Six Hours Tracker
Download and print this FREE 2-week tracker to build a habit out of “The Magic Six Hours.” The Magic Six Hours is a concept developed by Drs John and Shirley Gottman when they noticed through their research that happy couples find small but consistent ways to invest in their relationship each week. If you follow the prescription for The Magic Six Hours, you’ll spend a total of 6 hours each week (just 4% of your total week) to keep your relationship vitalized and strong. Sounds like a pretty good return on investment to us!
Thoughts from the Inca Trail: How to Build Psychological Flexibility
If flexibility is an indicator of good mental health then maybe the correlation goes the other way too? Cultivate flexibility and you will improve your mental health? Worth a shot since flexibility is a skill you can practice. So here are a few things I do/have done to cultivate psychological flexibility.
Build Wealth. Keep Your Soul.
I have always been wealthy. But it's only recently that I've had money.
The semantics battle between being wealthy and rich cannot be solved in a blog post. But I'd like to contribute to the conversation by sharing my own personal experience.
Finding and Funding a Good Life | from PWL Capital, Inc
In 2022, the wealth management firm, PWL Capital, Inc. published a white paper entitled “Finding and Funding a Good Life” that made the rounds on socials. It seemed both out of place and also perfectly appropriate for a financial manager to pontificate at length on things like long-term happiness and whether homeowners or renters are happier in the long run, and whether living in a sunnier climate or a setting with more trees has a greater impact on your day-to-day satisfaction. After all, most of the best things in life are free (or are they?) The paper presents a six-factor (PERMA-V) model (don’t worry, they cite their heavy-hitting sources) for what A Good Life looks like.
This paper is worth a read.
Iron Sharpens Iron | with Pepperdine University
We’re proud Pepperdine alums (both undergrad and graduate work and also teaching there over the years) and it was an honor to team up with the marketing team, telling this story of how we and others pursue challenge and growth while at Pepperdine.
Would you rather be Super Rich… or Super Wealthy?
The terms "rich" and "wealthy" are often used interchangeably, but are they the same thing? New York Times columnist Paul Sullivan, author of the 2015 book The Thin Green Line: The Money Secrets of the Super Wealthy, suggests that while these two terms might seem similar, they are not.
Podcast Appearance: Fueling Earth Podcast
Tune in to hear an explanation of our 11 guiding principles that have helped us live intentionally in our relationships, health, work, and finances. Huge thank you to amazing podcasters and interviewers, Jewell from Sweet Fuel and Kristen from Earth Kandee
Podcast Appearance: Another Step podcast with Kyle Holton
How to be FINANCIALLY FREE and Live with the END IN MIND. Watch/listen to Dusty’s guest appearance on Another Step Podcast with Kyle Holton.
How We Gather, from Harvard Divinity School
America is changing. Millennials are less religiously affiliated than ever before. Churches are just one of many institutional casualties of the internet age in which young people are both more globally connected and more locally isolated than ever before. Against this bleak backdrop, a hopeful landscape is emerging. Millennials are flocking to a host of new organizations that deepen community in ways that are powerful, surprising, and perhaps even religious. After two years of noticing this happen, we’re sharing our findings in order to start a conversation. ORIGINALLY PUBLISHED IN 2015
Wedding Officiants Take Bathroom Selfies Too
I don’t always take bathroom selfies…but when I’m in a tuxedo and the bathroom is filled with geometric patterns…I become basic.
Got Your Back Weekend Training with US Army National Guard
Last weekend Dusty traveled to San Diego to present at an Army National Guard training called Got Your Back. The weekend training is designed in group workshop format for individual soldiers to develop their interpersonal relationship skills that will benefit them in both their military duties as well as civilian lives.
Our origin story: ovens in Africa
Way (way) before Skull & Bones Society, Dusty Breeding was a young college student with a heart for adventure and service to others. Those are still essential values for him today. Check out this article from Pepperdine University for a trip down memory lane and peek at what college-student-Dusty was up to in life.
Wanted: Small Business with Big Aspirations
WANTED: Small to mid size business that is serious about providing growth and development for their staff.
Topa Topa Backpacking Trip in Ventura, CA
For many people, the idea of backpacking can be a daunting concept. “Carry all my food and supplies into the backcountry and sleep miles from my car?! Sounds terrifying.” But at Skull & Bones Society, we’ve learned that the path to who you want to be frequently leads through uncomfortable and unfamiliar experiences (that afterward usually turn out to be less of a big deal than you originally thought), and that life’s challenges are always made easier and more memorable when shared with a group of likeminded friends. The Topa Topa backpacking trip combined many of the essential ingredients of our workshops: mindset, communal support, physical challenge, laughter, and reflection.