FREE DOWNLOAD: The Seeker’s Guide to Wealth (Twenties Edition)
Seven Principles for Building Wealth in Your Twenties
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Selecting a career. Earning your first big paycheck. Choosing a partner. Investing in education. Deciding how to relate with debt. The decade of your twenties contains a string of big decisions, all of which can have lifelong impact on your finances. If you’re like me, the fear of “doing it wrong” weighs heavy. Sometimes you just need a guide.
Allow me to introduce The Seeker’s Guide to Wealth. I created The Seeker’s Guide (Twenties Edition) as a roadmap to integrated wealth for each decade of life. Integrated wealth is having the financial resources, the physical and mental health, and spiritual peace necessary to live a fulfilled life as defined by your unique value set. The Seeker’s Guide will help you build integrated wealth without losing your soul. And we’re giving it away for free.
This guide is the first in a series of decade-specific guides built by seekers for seekers. A seeker is someone who wants to live well and enjoy a prosperous of life, but also recognizes that net worth is an incomplete measure of wealth. Knowing how to live in response to this reality can be complex and the Seeker’s Guide is a tool to help you navigate the path.
The Twenties Edition is formatted to address financial implications of the many big life experiences that happen between 20 and 30: moving out, selecting a partner, first big job, college debt, and establishing spending and saving habits. It offers seven principles for building integrated wealth and includes books, podcasts, videos, and actions you can take today.
Not in your twenties anymore? This guide is still for you. Though designed with the 20s in mind, the principles in the guide are timeless.
The Seeker’s Guide to Wealth (Twenties Edition) gives you both principles and practical steps that will shape the trajectory of your financial life, so you can look back on the decade of your twenties with pride and gratitude for the choices you made and the foundation you set.