A Few of My Favorite Books About Finances
These books are life changing if integrated wealth is what you’re after. And the good news is, the wisdom contained in them is free to anyone with a library card and a few hours of reading time.
Top Five Free Financial Tools
Improving your finances can feel overwhelming. But here’s some good news: you don’t need to spend a lot of money to get started at saving and growing your money. You can start for free. Here is a round up of a few of my favorite free resources that can help you build better financial habits and work toward greater financial freedom.
FREE DOWNLOAD: The Magic Six Hours Tracker
Download and print this FREE 2-week tracker to build a habit out of “The Magic Six Hours.” The Magic Six Hours is a concept developed by Drs John and Shirley Gottman when they noticed through their research that happy couples find small but consistent ways to invest in their relationship each week. If you follow the prescription for The Magic Six Hours, you’ll spend a total of 6 hours each week (just 4% of your total week) to keep your relationship vitalized and strong. Sounds like a pretty good return on investment to us!
Free Workshop: Building Your Business from the Ground Up
Going from 0 to your first $100k. Tuesday, September 20th, from 6-6:30pm (Pacific time). This is a FREE Zoom workshop where we’ll share some of our experience (and some real facts) building a real business that pays our real bills.
New Freebie! Download the Seven Day Check-In Challenge
Kick start your Daily Check-In practice today with the Seven Day Check-In Challenge.
Intentional change Theory: Fancy term for a simple concept
I know it sounds complicated, but it’s really not. 1) Imagine, 2) Measure, 3) Plan, 4) Execute…. repeat!
Richard Boyatzis, a professor at Case Western Reserve University, introduced the model of Intentional Change Theory in a 2006 article. It’s a model that describes how meaningful and sustainable change happens. And it’s scalable from the individual, to couples, to families and teams, to organizations, communities, countries, and the whole globe. Here’s how it works.