7 Habits Training

Over the past three days, I've participated in a FranklinCovey 7 Habits of Highly Effective People training course in partnership with the US Army. As the Army values building individual resilience, growth, and development, they have partnered up with FranklinCovey to offer training to chaplains throughout the military. Stephen Covey's landmark book The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People was released in 1989 and has gone on to sell over 40 million copies around the world. It is regarded as one of the most successful books in history; it is a NYT Bestseller, and it has been called the most influential business book of the 21st century. High praise for a book filled with “simple” concepts.

Covey's 7 Habits focus heavily on developing personal character and aptitude that then impacts the public arena. The 7 Habits are bite sized, but carry incredible depth when explored. See below for a complete list of the 7 Habits.

My big takeaway from the three day course is that any framework can be transformation when implemented into everyday life. I firmly believe that Covey's 7 Habits would make a measurable difference in anyone's well being, joy, and success. They are simple and highly effective concepts. But simple doesn't mean easy. The difficulty is actually taking the thoughts and words from a book and turning them into tangible action. My top recommendation for doing this and keeping it manageable is to simply find a person who is willing to read the book with you. Book clubs sounds cheesy, but are effective tools for getting concepts out of the pages and into action.

So find a friend and buy the book to become highly effective! I look forward to incorporating this content into my professional coaching practice and leading 7 Habits workshops with the US military and beyond.

The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People are:

  1. Be Proactive

  2. Begin with the End in Mind

  3. Put the First Things First

  4. Think Win-Win

  5. Seek First to Understand, Then to Be Understood

  6. Synergize

  7. Sharpen the Saw


Podcast Appearance: Persistence Culture Podcast | Special Guests Dusty and Cecily Breeding


Free Workshop: Beyond Bouncing Back